07449919302 / 07576738583 info@bristolyouthvoice.org

On the Sunday 13th  of August Bristol Somali youth voice has organised an community supporting event titled “Bringing community through sport to tackle down the knife crime” at lockleaze sport centre, which brought young people and community groups from different post code areas and backgrounds to participate different sport activities, primarily football. We wanted to inspire young people in being productive, healthy and lead a law abiding life.

We’ve lost a significant number of young people through knife crime; Bristol Somali youth voice are very determined to provide culturally responsive support and appropriate awareness program both for the young people and parents to tackle down the youth crime and promote early intervention. The event brought 250 young people and adults from different postcode area to meet, interact, socialise and development friendship, promoting positive socialisation, integration and community cohesion.

Knife crime will not only affect those in trouble , it could also negatively hinder those in right path and wider community thus we need to act collectively, to stop youth violence, knife crime and promote safer neighbourhood.

Congratulation to winners, runner up, and all teams who were involved, we would like to thank to organising team, volunteers, referees and coaches especially Mareey, Abuukar, Faisal and Film maker Osman ( Mo Hashi) who contributed this event to be unique and successful, I would also like to extend this gratitude to special guest who spent their evening with us, especially Chief constable Sarah Crew, Bristol Deputy lord Mayor , Bristol Hight sharif, executive director of BSMLLG  Adeela Shafi and all other prominent figures who I can’t recall their names in here.

Special thanks to Abdul Ahmed, chair of Bristol Somali forum and member of diversity and inclusion team of Avone and Samerset police who immensily contributed this event to be successful.

Special thanks to Councillors Yasin Mohamud,Abdi omer and every single person who spent r their afternoon with us.
